On Sunday afternoon, after exploring a bit of Villanueva, Miguel and Ana invited me - again! - on a day- trip to the town of Trujillo with their two kids... Trujillo is only 40 km or so from Villanueva and was a very quick drive away. It was also the hometown of Fracisco Pizzaro the conquistador who conquered Peru and brought all the riches he pillaged back to Spain and built an enormous city square and elaborate house. Apparently he didn't care much how he disrupted the lifestyles of many native peoples, inlcuding the Incas and the fact that he changed the face of latin american history altogether... but how could he when he had the notion of "all that glitters IS gold". We spent nearly all day there, from 12pm - 6pm lunch included.. and the kids did really well despite their ages, I'm very impressed... and so were their parents!
Below are some pictures from Trujillo... enjoy! More photos eventually, but don't want to drown you all with billions of pictures of buildings, more buildings, castles and stones. But to me, this arabic castle - Alcazaba - was inspiring and built over 400 years ago... so there are a few pictures below.
Beatriz, Jorge and Ana |
One of many family crests found on all the original buildings in Trujillo |
El Convento de las Monjas - The Convent |
In the main couryard of Alcazaba |
A view from the castillo arabe |
A view of Trujillo from Alcazaba |
Walking along the top of Alcazaba |
Two reasons why I love Spain already :) |
Kristiana!!! it looks like you're having quite the experience!! I can't wait to see more :)
What wonderful pictures and I love the way you write! I hope you have the time of your life!!
You look so sophisticated and Spanish already!! Jack and I loved looking at the pictures (he says hi, btw). How wonderful you are able to have this experience...thank you for sharing it with us all :)